This means setting quantifiable goals

They provide direction, long-term vision and short-term motivation. Here are some examples: Commit to writing a certain number of words each week Submit at least two articles a week Find two new markets each week Take at least one writing course Treadmill Machines for sale a year Attend at least one writer's conference a year Make your goals attainable so you won't get discouraged. Olympic athletes, successful business people, and (hint…) bestselling writers are goal setters. Remember.Five Things to Remember When Setting Goals: 1.4. Or maybe for you, my short-term goals aren't challenging enough. Simply transfer them to the next morning's list."."3. That is dedication.Goals are only get one chance to live your dreams! In the words of Cecil B. This means setting quantifiable goals.. They separate the important from the irrelevant. Plus, your goals will be right smack under your nose every day. Write Goals Down Always jot down your goals-this is powerful.

This will help you organize and better manage your time. You aspire to greatness too, don't you? If you do, and you're not already setting goals, now is the perfect time to start.What would you like to achieve in your lifetime? Author Basil S. Set deadlines for both short- and long-term goals, and I promise, you'll get there sooner!Remember that deadlines can be flexible. Make Goals Short, Attainable, & Measurable Set attainable short-term goals that can be measured.I read an article in this month's Shape magazine that inspired me. You have to set your own goals…remember, you're charting your own course to success!On the other hand, don't set wimpy goals simply because you're afraid to fail. Talane Miedaner, author of Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books, 2002) notes: "People sometimes give themselves 'weeny' goals-they play it safe so they don't fail…But the bigger the goal, the more likely you are to achieve it.

Visual Aids like these give you that extra ammunition that will make a difference. The author mentioned that before Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of the bestselling book & Oprah Pick Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy (Warner Books, 1995) became a bestselling author, she pasted her name on the #1 spot of the New York Times bestseller list and posted it on her computer. What's important is to keep moving forward. De Mille: "The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. Create Deadlines Without deadlines, your goals are merely dreams. Make Goal Setting a Routine Begin every morning with a "To Do" list. Goals also build self-confidence by helping you grow as an individual. The short-term goals above are attainable for me, but they may not be for you.5. By physically rewriting your goals and pasting them in places you regularly frequent, you make them more real in your mind. Look at your goals everyday! Visual aids are an effective way to program your brain.. Interesting Fact: A popular Harvard Business School study once found that only 3% of the population records their goals in writing.

The process of physically seeing your goals helps crystallize them in your mind. Another 14% have goals but don't write them down, whereas 83% do not even have clearly defined goals. Reading and re-writing goals are two very effective visual aids. The above said, keep your goals front and forward in your mind. Life changes and so do goals. Walth once said, "If you don't know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?" These are words well spoken, because whether you're working toward freelancing full-time or selling your novels, you need a roadmap. Do not get discouraged over any unfinished items. Never be afraid to adjust the timeframe for a goal. Goals are very individual. More interesting is that this 3% earned an astounding ten times that of the 83% group! 2. This process also better enables you to commit to them

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